Place born
Organisation / Person

Perkin, Sir William Henry

1838 - 1907

Plummer, John James

1806 - 1907

Carus-Wilson, Charles Ashley

1812 - 1942

Kingett, James Charles

1811 - 1916

Darbyshire, Alfred

1839 - 1908

Barton, Robert

1839 - 1839

Webb, Francis William

1836 - 1906

Leader, Robert Eadon

1839 - 1922

Peacock, Ralph

1838 - 1928

Maw, William Henry

1838 - 1924

Henry Chapman

1835 - 1908

Daglish, George Heaton

1839 - 1913

Mond, Ludwig

1839 - 1909

1835-1916, psychiatrist, French

Magnan, Valentin

1835 - 1916

1837-1936, physician; pathologist; hygienist, French

Brouardel, Paul Camille Hippolyte

1837 - 1906

1886-1923, Met Office employee, RNVR Lieutenant, RAF Flight Lieutenant, British

Gendle, Albert Edgar

1809 - 1923

1839-1897, optical instrument maker, German-born; British

Hilger, Adam

1839 - 1897

1835-1955, opticians, optics and photographic and camera maker, Birmingham

J Lancaster and Son

1835 - 1955

1839-1932, shipping company, British

Royal Mail Steam Packet Company

1839 - 1932

1837-1925, locomotive engineer, British

Holden, James

1837 - 1925

1836-1922, railway company, Wales

Taff Vale Railway

1836 - 1922

1836-1922, railway company, United Kingdom

Arbroath & Forfar Railway

1836 - 1922

1838-;glass manufacturer; politician; photographer; UK

Stone, Benjamin

1838 - 1914

1838-1914, astronomer; mathematician, American

Hill, George William

1838 - 1914

b. 1839, active 1870s-1910s, medallist, French

Tasset, Ernest Paulin

1839 - 1921

1835-1917, locomotive engineer, Scottish; British

Stirling, James

1835 - 1917

1839-1916, professor of chemistry, Romanian

Teclu, Nicolae

1839 - 1916

1835-1895, publisher, activist, author, British

Faithfull, Emily

1835 - 1895

1835-1917, chemist, German

Baeyer, Adolf von

1835 - 1917

1837-1903, active 1860s, photographer; printer, British

Edwards, Ernest

1837 - 1903

1838-1907, chemist, English; British

Perkin, Sir William Henry

1838 - 1907

1836-1903 , obstetric physician, British

Playfair, William Smoult

1836 - 1903

1838-1862, railway company, Scottish

Dundee & Arbroath Railway

1838 - 1880

1838-1917, inventor of 1900s airship; aircraft manufacturer, German

Zeppelin, Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich von

1838 - 1917

1860-1903, railway company, Northern Ireland

Belfast & Northern Counties Railway

1805 - 1903

1835-1845, railway company, United Kingdom

Newtyle & Coupar Angus Railway

1835 - 1845

active 1876-1901, thermometer & hydrometer maker, Nenhaus am Rennwig, Thüringen, Germany

Haak, William

1836 - 1898

1837-1935, soap powder manufacturers, West Bromwich, England, British


1837 - 1935

active 1839-1889, pharmaceutical manufacturer, Dagenham, London, England

May and Baker

1839 - 1889

1839-1909, chemical manufacturer and industrialist, German born; British

Mond, Ludwig

1839 - 1909

1836-1919, painter; arts administrator, British; French-born

Poynter, Sir Edward John

1836 - 1919

1836-1850, railway company, United Kingdom

Great North of England Railway

1836 - 1850

1836-1844, railway company, England, United Kingdom

Brandling Junction Railway Company

1836 - 1844

1837-1902, lawyer, English; British

Brunel, Isambard

1837 - 1902

1836-1919, British

Furley, Sir John

1836 - 1919

1836-1873, die-engraver, British; English

Wyon, Joseph Shepherd

1836 - 1873

1835-1916, astronomer; meteorologist, Norwegian

Mohn, Henrik

1835 - 1916

1837-1884, die-engraver, British; English

Wyon, Alfred Benjamin

1837 - 1884

1839-1919, locomotive engineer, British

Kirtley, W

1839 - 1919

1835-c. 1888, medallist, Irish

Woodhouse, John

1835 - 1888